Nicholas wheelocks City Urban Disaster Survivalists Professional Blogger Business Kit
A Custom Duffle Backpack Mini Black $30
A 2 piece zip pouches Handy $5
A Warm Weather Sleeping Bag $40
A 3 5 gallon Storage\Floatation Buckets $30
A 2 piece mirror set $5.00
A fire and embrio kit $5
A water Purification Kit $15
A partly used 2 times first aid kit $25
A prybar kit $10
A 2 uv flashlight pair kit $30
A Hygene kit $5
A US Map $2
A Raspberry pie 3.0 with Accessories and power cord $100
A UsB flash drive 16 gb $15
A gas mask $30
A grapling hook $20
A Winter Weather Kit $130
A electric chargeable powered camping flashlight with power coard and accessories $30
A Winter/trails mountain climbing large set of grip kleets $30
A Emergency Bag $5
A Emergency Shelter Tent $10

A survival hatchet $10
A millitary issue pocket knife and fire starter slightly used and sharp and works $10
8 padlock with keys $70
Multitool Plyers $20
seatbelt cutter and window breaking tool $20
4 old cell phones with cam lenses $40
1 slightly working tablet for parts $10
5000 plr articles and 41 campfire tales and 125 freelanced articles on terror in the usa topic out of the box html blogging biz template a $1 million dollar charity 10 years guarenteed biz $500.00
3 Usb charging cables and charging block $20
A J3 galaxy new/slightly used $60
Flat free dolly tires $40
300 lb cap. Luggage Dolly $30
A pink Kids Bicycle Used $50
A Combo Lock Box $30
A rain Poncho $10
A spare watch Battery Flashlight $5
A 2 Metal Walking short/long stick $2
Fingernail clipper + Toe clips - used 4 times $2
A notebook $0.50
3 Pens $0.50
2 bicycle locks combo + key $30
Cooking Set $30
Plastic Silvaware $0.50
Safety Glasses $5
Scissors $2
A 5 ft Extension cord $5
Custom Magizine Limited Ed. $10
3 writing tool in 1 $20
3 belt ties heavy duty $15
15 garbage bags repair kit 50 gallon $2
Custon Rain Cover Tarp For Kit $2
USB hand Crank Charger $15
Gas to Get Items $250
Total = 2,650.00
Slightly Used Price = $2,000.00
September 18, 2018 by Jacob Hunter
There hasn’t been any recent war on American soil, and you might even think that your region is safe from natural disaster.
But the scary truth is that the risk of disaster is a lot higher than we likely realize.
There are natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, economic crash, and electromagnetic pulse, to name just a few.
There are a wide range of situations where you might need urban survival skills.
This urban survival guide will introduce you to the essentials so you can survive any disaster ranging from personal disasters like homelessness to all-out warfare.
Shelter for Urban Survival
As stories from Bosnian war survivors talk about, they were kicked out of their homes by militants and civilians alike.
How would you stop intruders armed with automatic assault rifles?
If a hurricane destroyed your home, where would you go? And HOW would you get there???
Do you know any homeless survival tricks, like how to safely sleep and stay warm on the streets should you find yourself homeless?
These are big issues to cover. Don’t expect yourself to master the art of urban survival right away. Right now, focus on ASKING yourself these questions. The next step is to find solutions for all possible urban disaster scenarios.
Urban Survival Gear
Urban survival gear is a lot different than wilderness survival gear.
In the wilderness, you rely on natural resources.
In urban areas, you must rely on the survival gear you carry as well as what you can scavenge.
Let’s take a look at some of this basic urban survival gear.
The Get Home Bag
Similar to the Bug Out Bag (BOB), a Get Home Bag (GHB) is a survival backpack which contains everything you will need to secure your safety in an urban area during a disaster.
For example, a GHB should have water treatment tablets to destroy any viruses and pathogens before consumption (a standard camping water filter doesn’t kill viruses – read more about water purification systems here).
Urban Everyday Carry Gear
I am a big fan of everyday carry (EDC) items. Obviously, you have items like a Swiss army knife or other multi-tool. There are also lots of cool wallet EDC items.
You’d be surprised at how useful items like string and a paperclip can be in an urban survival situation!
I’d recommend building your own urban survival kit that you can carry every day, like an Altoids tin EDC survival kit.

Scavenging for Urban Survival
One thing to keep in mind about urban survival gear is that:
So don’t rely on your survival bag or EDC gear! The good thing about urban survival is that you will have plenty of resources at your disposal.
Learn to scavenge I will talk more about these subjects in our Member’s Area survival reports, but here are the basic urban survival skills you’ll need to scavenge supplies:
Looting skills
Lock picking skills
Dumpster diving
DIY repairs, like patching bike tires and fixing tools
CREATIVITY! Think beyond the box about how to make use of everyday items like paper clips, dental floss, plastic bags, and whatever you can find
Food for Urban Survival
Everyone should have at least a 30-day supply of food and water stockpiled in case of emergency, as well as stockpile of non-food supplies.
But these supplies will quickly run out in a large-scale disaster. Or you might be forced to leave your home and all its supplies behind.
In the wilderness, you can forage for food. It isn’t so easy in the city!
Yes, there are plenty of urban plants that you can eat…
In the great depression, people ate dandelion green soups.
In Syria, people are eating tree leaves to survive.
In besieged Leningrad, people ate breads made from shrubs.
In Italy, people ate cats to survive famine during WWII.
In North Korea, people have endured eating tree bark, roots, and insects…
But history tells us that these quickly disappear in long-term disasters. This is why it is essential to either:
Get out of the city (bug out) while you still can and go somewhere with natural resources (and actually know how to use them!)
Have a secure and sustainable source of food, such as a backyard garden or aquaponics system.
Water for Urban Survival
One thing that many people take for granted is that their plumbing system brings them clean potable drinking water…
Until a “boil alert” is called.
As defined by the Public Works,
A boil alert is issued when the pressure is lost in the water line and there is the possibility of any foreign substance entering the system.
Because of aging infrastructure, boil alerts are on the rise in some areas.
If an old pipe can make water undrinkable, imagine what happens after a major disaster like earthquake or hurricane!
Maybe you remember those reports after Hurricane Katrina of sewage floating down the street!?!
An important urban survival skill is to know how to treat dirty water, such as with water purification tablets, boiling, and filtering (and when to use each method).